Application of 3D Scanning in Industrial Manufacturing Process

The services we provide in the 3D scanning field:

  1. If the customer has no drawings, only samples, and the product itself is not a regular shape, it cannot be fully measured with calipers or even CMM. We provide customers with 3D scanning measurement and modeling services. The general tolerance is 0.05mm. We will use CMM and calipers to review the key dimensions.
  2. The scanned model can be directly used for 3D printing and provided to the customer to verify the feasibility of the project. If the customer has a drawing, we produce according to the drawing, scan the finished product, and verify the accuracy of the size.
  3. Verification and review of fixtures.
  4. For the control of mold size, we will scan the mold core cavity with a scanner to ensure the accuracy of product die casting and casting size.(

Related Reading:Introduction to 3D Scanning Technology (3D Scan)

Scanning is a high-tech that integrates optical, mechanical, electrical, and computer technology. It is mainly used to scan the spatial shape and structure of objects to obtain the spatial coordinates of the surface of the object. Its important significance is that it can convert the three-dimensional information of the physical object into A digital signal that the computer can directly process providing a very convenient and efficient means for the digitization of physical objects. High-speed three-dimensional scanning and digitization systems play a huge role in reverse engineering. High-speed three-dimensional scanners have been applied in mold factories and have achieved good results. The system provides many functions required from scanning the model or physical object to processing the desired model, greatly shortening the mold development and manufacturing cycle. Since the 3D scanning system has been successfully applied in the automobile, motorcycle, home appliance, and other industries, I believe it will play a greater role in the future. Three-dimensional scanning technology can realize non-contact measurement and has the advantages of fast speed and high accuracy. Its measurement results can be directly interfaced with a variety of software, which makes it very popular today when the application of CAD, CAM, CIMS, and other technologies are becoming more and more popular. In my country’s manufacturing industry, 3D scanning, as a fast stereo measurement equipment, has been used more and more because of its advantages of fast measurement speed, high accuracy, non-contact, and convenient use. Use a 3D scanner to scan the board, sample, and model to obtain the three-dimensional size data. These data can be directly interfaced with the CAD/CAM software. The data can be adjusted and repaired in the CAD system and then sent to the processing center or rapid prototyping Manufacturing on equipment can greatly shorten the product manufacturing cycle.

The three-dimensional scanning equipment is mainly based on the three-dimensional measurement system, basically in two categories: contact (probe type) and non-contact (laser, camera, X-ray, etc.). In the early days, it was mainly probe type. Although the price is lower, the speed is slower and there will be blind spots at the junction of the probe and the object, and the software object is easily deformed, which affects the scanning accuracy, but in general, except for the above shortcomings, it can It has high measurement accuracy and is suitable for relative size measurement and quality management: the laser scanning speed is fast, the accuracy is appropriate, and it can scan three-dimensional objects to obtain a large amount of point cloud data to facilitate surface reconstruction, and read the data on the computer after scanning. , Usually, this part is called the pre-processing of reverse engineering.

After obtaining the data of the product, use reverse engineering software to process the point data. After classification, ethnic separation, and comparison of point, line and surface with solid errors, the surface model is reconstructed, CAD data is generated, and RP Part can be produced. To confirm the structure and geometry, or NC processing and mold manufacturing, these are part of the post-processing.

Since the creation of 3D scanning technology, many scanning principles have been developed to date. From the perspective of 3D data acquisition methods, non-contact methods have the characteristics of speed and accuracy at the same time, so they are the most widely used in reverse engineering. According to the different light sources, the triangle method can be divided into two different methods: point light source and line light source. The organization method of data obtained by different methods is different. The contact-based continuous scanning measurement method has also been partially applied due to its relatively high accuracy, but the speed and price indicators are worse than the non-contact type. At present, some companies that specialize in the development of three-dimensional scanning technology have compared the above Two or more of the technologies are combined to form a unique composite three-dimensional scanner. This composite three-dimensional scanner has both the function of measuring three-dimensional data and the function of measuring the two-dimensional contour of the workpiece. The advantages of different scanning technologies are combined together, which avoids the shortcomings caused by a single measurement scanning method. Its application potential is huge, and it is also the future development direction of 3D scanning technology. At the same time, it combines the functions of 3D scanning and 2D projection. The measurement data obtained after scanning is composed of a large number of three-dimensional coordinate points. According to the nature of the scanner, the scanning parameters and the size of the measured object, it ranges from a few hundred to several million points. These large numbers of three-dimensional data points are called Point cloud

1. Application of 3D Scanning in Reverse Engineering (Reverse Engineering)

Since entering the new century, worldwide competition will become increasingly fierce, especially the competition in the industrial field has become more fierce. The market’s requirements for product design have also undergone fundamental changes. Multiple varieties and small batches have replaced the traditional production model of small varieties and large batches. This has led to the requirement to reduce products, shorten design and production cycles and improve product quality.

While the reverse design method is combined with traditional design methods, it is also closely related to computer-aided measurement technology, CAD technology, etc., and some complex parts are often encountered in reverse design. Generally, CAD models cannot be directly established. It is necessary to use advanced computer-aided measurement technology (three-dimensional scanning technology) to obtain 3D data of parts, and after computer processing, CAD modeling is carried out, and then innovative designs are carried out on this basis.

Reverse engineering, as the best method for data measurement, fitting, analysis, and design improvement of existing products, to achieve new product development, is much faster than completing product development from the design concept, so it effectively supports The speed with which new products respond to the market. It can output a variety of data formats for rapid prototyping and mold processing to support different purposes of customers.

At present, the technology related to the acquisition of product mathematical models from physical samples has developed into a relatively independent research field in the CAD/CAM system, that is, “reverse engineering, or reverse engineering, reverse engineering.”

Product design (reverse engineering). Reverse engineering (also known as reverse engineering) refers to the process of reconstructing the prototype CAD model by using various digital technologies and CAD technologies without complete design drawings or even design drawings or CAD models. That is, the existing product shape is drawn into the computer through the three-dimensional scanner, which helps engineers to carry out the three-dimensional CAD design of the product, and then carry out the mold design, modification and manufacturing of the product. It can skip product size measurement, draw 2D drawing process, and directly perform 3D modeling.

In the early days, the main method used by designers in product design was the forward design method, but for complex products, the forward design method also showed its shortcomings. The design process is difficult, the cycle is long, and the cost is high, which is not conducive to product development. If there is a way to correct the local problems that appear in the forward design process, it is natural to develop and form a reverse design in this context. Therefore, in the case of greater market demand, more and more companies participate in reverse engineering.

2. Product testing (3D inspection). The product may be deformed or sized incorrectly. The shape of the product can be scanned with a three-dimensional scanner. The object can be scanned by a photographic 3D scanner or a handheld 3D scanner. The point cloud obtained by the 3D scanner can be compared with the original CAD model for full-scale inspection, and the final product can be analyzed with the original design. The difference between products can be easily, quickly and accurately detect the shape and position error of complex shapes, and improve the production quality of products.

3. Application of 3D scanning technology in rapid prototyping

Rapid prototype (RP) is a brand-new prototype manufacturing technology developed in the mid-1980s. Its starting point is to observe whether the designed parts are satisfactory in terms of aesthetics, appearance and basic performance through the actual size of the prototype entity. . In recent years, the development from rapid prototyping to rapid tooling and then to rapid manufacturing has brought vitality to the manufacturing industry. The application of three-dimensional scanning technology can accelerate the development of this technology. Since the reasons are obvious, I will not describe it here.

The main uses of 3D scanners are reverse engineering, 3D inspection, rapid prototyping, and three purposes. It is a convenient tool for modern industrial production enterprises, has made important contributions to the development of industry, and solved the problems faced by enterprises to a large extent.

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