3D Scanning & Drawing Convert
What would you do if you have a die casting sample but no drawings?
How can you quickly get drawings and design die cast mold, and then carry out quantitative production through the die-casting process?
YONTONE provides a “reverse engineering” service from sample to part design drawing.
YONTONE also provide mold design, die casting, and machining service.
What is reverse engineering?
It means deriving the original blueprint from a finished product and it’s mainly used in two areas, one is software and there it’s to recover the original source code and the other is in mechanical engineering and tool making.
Reverse engineering in mechanical engineering and tool making, from an existing part, to create a virtual product model to do this we first create a high precision 3D scan, so we measure the part, and then in a second step, we convert the 3D scan data into a CAD model, so, for example, STL STEP IGS file conversion. 3D scanning process, also we understand it as reverse engineering is widely used in die casting mold tool making field nowadays.
This is Ningbo Beilun Yontone Hydraulic Technology Co., Ltd.
35+ years of experience in die casting mold design and tool making
14 years of work in die casting, casting & CNC machining industrial field
We love our career, and we aim to create high-quality products at reasonable prices.
Customize mold design, tool making, and die casting parts, please contact
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